
Choose one authentic local PR agency in Hong Kong. Find one PR firm supporting your local brand awareness campaign. Cost-Effective, Quality Assured, Customized PR campaign without paying fortune during pandemic. Checkout what is the best "LOCAL" PR plan in 2020-2021.
10 PR tactics you need to know in 2020-2021
Do you know Digital Media Coverage provide you SEO value? Which can save your SEM budget of HK$15,000 min per year?
Are you running a CALL-TO-ACTION PR / Digital marketing programme? Is your current marketing/ PR agency running your PR programme with this IMPORTANT elements?
Do you know Running a MODERN PR campaign very low cost, can bring you 3 years (min.) of brand value?
Are you running your PR & Social Media Campaign with RETARGETING EDM programme?
Do you know DIGITAL Advertising is not just IMPRESSION? Do you know running Digital advertisement with PR agency can offer you higher conversion rate?
Do you know you can create a GUINNESS Record campaign with a PR agency at a COST-EFFECTIVE way?
Do you know a KOL campaign should be followed by an Integrated marketing solution, to reflect the best conversational value? Sales generation!
Without creativity, understanding of media/ market temptation, you will fail in your digital advertising campaign! Do you know how you can avoid?
Do you know what is Picture, Video SEO? And How a PR agency can run their PR programme with these tactic?
Do you know how to set up your INTERNAL marketing & PR team with the lowest cost and risk with a GOOD PR Agency support?